A woman has ignited a heated debate after revealing that she charges her boyfriend rent when he stays at her house on weekends. Marystella ‘Malle’ Gómez, a social media influencer from Colombia, made the surprising revelation on the Los Platos Sucios podcast, hosted by Ana María Cardona, on Sunday.

During the episode, Gómez shared details of her unconventional financial arrangement with her boyfriend, which has sparked considerable controversy. Speaking with Cardona and fellow influencer Isabela Rivera, she explained that she charges her boyfriend a fee for every weekend he spends at her house.

Malle, known for her glamorous lifestyle and travel content, said, “He stays over on weekends and I still charge my fee.”

This eyebrow-raising revelation quickly stirred reactions from listeners, sparking a fierce debate online. Opinions ranged from support for her decision to charge rent to criticism of the practice.

Some argued that the arrangement was perfectly reasonable, particularly if the boyfriend was using household resources or if it was a matter of ensuring financial independence in the relationship. Others, however, saw it as a sign of transactional love and a lack of trust between the couple.

Divided Reactions

Many listeners expressed disbelief at the arrangement. One user wrote, “Charging your significant other rent just for staying over the weekend? That’s crossing a line.” Another said, “If he’s contributing to bills and food, it’s only fair.”

On the other hand, several supporters appreciated Gómez’s stance on financial matters. One commented, “She should do whatever makes her feel comfortable. If charging rent is part of that, so be it.”

Another chimed in, “As long as both parties agree, there’s nothing wrong with it. Transparency in finances is crucial.”

Podcast Host and Guests Weigh In

Ana María Cardona, the podcast host, and fellow influencer Isabela Rivera also weighed in on the topic. Cardona pointed out that transparency and mutual understanding are key in any relationship, while Rivera emphasized that each couple should decide what works best for them.

“The key is communication,” said Rivera. “If both partners are okay with it, who are we to judge?”

Financial Independence and Relationship Dynamics

Marystella Gómez highlighted the importance of financial independence, particularly for women, during the podcast discussion. She explained that the arrangement helps maintain a balance in their relationship, preventing any feelings of dependency.

“There’s nothing wrong with making sure both partners contribute fairly to household expenses,” she noted. “It creates a sense of equality.”

Conclusion: To Charge or Not to Charge?

In an age where financial independence is increasingly emphasized, Marystella Gómez’s unique arrangement with her boyfriend has sparked a broader conversation about relationship dynamics, finances, and fairness.

While some view charging rent as an unconventional approach, others believe it’s a reflection of healthy boundaries and open communication. Ultimately, this debate underscores the evolving norms around finances and relationships, with each couple finding their own balance.

Whether one agrees or disagrees with Gómez’s approach, her revelation certainly challenges traditional relationship dynamics and sparks meaningful conversations about money and love.